Same Biz Boss (that’s me, Shelley) - just with a whole lot more clarity on how I can help you to launch your business or your next offer.
Plus a new lick of paint in delightfully-named colors like Hot Coral, Deep Sea, Very Berry, and SUNSHINE!
I do live in sunny South Africa after all!
Website Design
Launching a new offer or looking to upgrade your DIY website?
I'll design and develop your custom website on Squarespace. And all of my packages include website copywriting and marketing strategy.
Looking to hand off your launch copywriting so that you can use your energy for engaging with your prospective clients?
I’ll write your launch emails, your sales page and social media copy. Active launch = plug & play!
Launch Coaching
Are you a coach or freelancer who wants to launch a packaged version of your service, or a product like an online course or membership?
Get my support + the Launch & Love It Formula to guide you.
While I no longer design e-learning courses on Articulate, or write corporate training material,
I am still nuts about online learning!
And my favorite people to work with are heart-centered independent entrepreneurs who want to profit from their expertise and passion by building and LAUNCHING online courses, digital products, memberships, subscriptions - or whatever format is best for them and their audience.If that’s you, and you’re looking for the support of a launch coach, or to outsource some of your launch website design and copywriting, then I’d love to invite you to book a free 30-minute call with me.
Thank You
Magna sed justo. Donec et odio sed felis sagittis imperdiet. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes etiam.